This is good but not enough! Because every steps proved that there are many steps that we must to take ! They don’t show up from the first ! Like strategic games there are a cloud you don’t know how much area would be there ! We can jump sometimes but the key for archiving our final goals is doing what our hearts telling us and continue that constantly 😌 I did skate today again 😌 that was a win 😊 trying to enjoy the day during you feel depressed is a very hard thing ! Since we start to fight against bad things inside us in an inner peace and accept the life what ever it is … everything would be in a right place and we would win this war by making a peace ✌🏼 This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on
Height 163 cm
Weight 45 kg
Body Fat %
Waist cm
Thighs cm
Chest cm