I will be happy when Monday comes because that day will be my rest day and today is Monday and I enjoyed a lot today because I just rest from my work and I only rest for only one day in every week. I think that is okay since I only work for maybe 5 - 7 hours per day and it also depends on the clients that I will work on.
Anyway, as I just went outside for a walk today, I didn’t knew that there were some fun activities in my school and I when I went there, there were students that are playing sports. Some were playing volleyball, badminton, sepak takraw, or even basketball. I saw different kinds of students and each color represents their grade like for grade 7 which is the color green, grade 8 for yellow, and so on and so forth.
This kind of even only happens once in a year and they usually do this event at the last week of September. I don’t know if they have something like a dance competition because before, when I was a student at this school, they have some dance activities and it’s really fun because we will compete with other grades from 7 to college department.
I was surprised to see the school that has now lots of students and while passing by, there were couple of students that are watching, playing, or even talking outside and there’s no class on their school since it’s an event.
Note: The first photo was edited by myself using my Incollage application on my phone
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Daily Activity, Photowalking, Walking