Burr…… It looks like a “three dog night!”🥶
No one is really sure where the saying “Three dog night” originated……………
This expression was used to describe a winter night so bitterly cold, that you needed three dogs inside to keep you warm!
Cot insisted that Dad was completely wrong…. It’s always a TWO Cat night Lol!😻
“Alexa…………what’s the wind chill factor for tonight?”
“ Silvertop, you have a high wind warning, you can expect a low of 5°F, with a windchill factor of -21°F! “
So much for Spring being just around the corner Lol!🥶
Take a look at the rhododendron bushes in the second photo! Notice how they are drooping, they do this in extreme cold weather!😮
The pond at our trailhead, looks like it was “Flash frozen”! I didn’t get a chance to take a close up photo, but the ice is crystal clear, and even has ripples from the wind blowing as it froze solid!
The wind also froze Silvertop solid!😬
You can see the weather front coming in from the Ocean in the next two photos!😮
A local town Birch Bay is off in the distance. It sits on the shore of the Ocean , they have sunshine, even when everyone else has full cloud coverage!
Silvertop struck a match to the kindling in the woodstove……………
We still need to correct the time on our personal weather underground, weather station, but you can see the outside temperature is currently 17.4 degrees……and it “ Feels like 9.8 degrees!🥶
Cot and Cyle were hovering around the wood stove door…………
“ Boy’s, I can’t light the fire till you guys move Lol!”😇
It looks like they are already preparing for that “ Two Cat night !”😻
Stay warm everyone, Cot and Cyle are!😽
Till tomorrow Silvertop Mike😊 This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io
Daily Activity,Hiking,House Chores