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Bringing out the big guns!😊
With today’s weather forecasting “the hottest day this week”, Silvertop started painting “extra” early this morning !😅
The Sun was coming up fast, soon Silvertop’s painting was quickly drawing to a close for today!🥵
Several areas of my house I believe I can safely spray paint, ( I can’t mask off my Solar panels)!
Silvertop climbed up into his garage attic, and pulled down his airless paint sprayer!😊
That’s when I found “Batty!”😳
I was shuffling things around trying to unearth my paint sprayer, when I heard……
“A funny squeaky sound!”🤣
Silvertop stepped down the step ladder a couple of rungs………😲
If Silvertop couldn’t see “Batty”……….
Batty, couldn’t see Silvertop Lol!😇
It was 90 degrees Fahrenheit outside, the attic was MUCH hotter!🥵
Finally back Inside the house, I plugged in the new refrigerator,
The old one was also still plugged in, both were running on Solar power harvested on this hot day!😎
37 degrees for the refrigerator side, and zero degrees for the freezer, I think this fridge is a keeper!
The temperature control panel was factory locked. Silvertop kept pushing buttons, but I was locked out!🤔
Doesn’t that sound familiar, just like my Nano X Lol!😇🤣
I took a lunch break, “wiped” my last Ledger Nano X, and set up my second Trezor model T!😊
Look Cot we have twins!🤗
Silvertop is extremely happy with these Trezors!
The heat was on full bore by now…….🥵
Enjoy a few lush green photos my friends, Silvertop has the A/C on, and I’m headed to my Mac Air to enjoy, and cool down!😎Till tomorrow Silvertop Mike 😊 This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io
Daily Activity,House Chores