100% for the year that is 54/54 for possible parkrun attendances. Usually, I miss a few due to work but not this year.
There are only 52 Saturdays per year, but with special events, you can get a few more. I saw on other social media that some people got 60 runs in by visiting different countries on their special event days as well. This might be something we might be crazy enough to have a look at in the future. Lol
So I did 50 runs for 2024 and 4 non-running volunteers to make the 100% attendance record and got over the 10% volunteer ratio with some double dipping where I got to run after doing the course set up volunteer role…
I still need to lift my volunteer ratio overall, but it is slowly on the rise.
We were able to attend 16 new locations this year, I was hoping for at least 10 but we were able to smash that because a few opened hear us and we tried sleeping in the car to reduce costs and extend our short trip range.
All the parkrun touristing took us to places we probably would have never visited otherwise.
The high lights for the year were doing a couple of parkruns in Japan and learning how to implement easy zone training as I am starting to get a bit older, and it takes longer to recover.
Blue = runs, orange = volunteers, purple is a double dip. No red squares mean no misses. Screen shots, thanks to the free 5km runner app.
Other than my yearly parkrun attendance report, I got a decent activity count with a morning run, a mid day hike in the Gloucester top mountains, and some grocery shopping in the afternoon.
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io
Hiking, Jogging, Walking