Postcards from Thailand #40: Papaya's Got a Brand New Bag

It has to be said that many trees here are as soft as shite. Take my wife’s beloved papaya tree. One little gust of wind and over she goes!

Interesting things about papaya trees is that they’re only just trees, being more plant than tree and that they grow, fruit and then die often within the space of under 20 years. Also, they are native to South America and introduced to Thailand over 300 years ago, according to Wikipedia. It’s a bloody education here, innit?!

This particular tree was planted by the wife about 12 years ago, but it’s looking like it won’t make its thirteenth birthday.

Now, you might notice an iron bar if you look closely, more clearly shown in the next picture.

This was the FiL’s attempt to stop it from toppling completely and save the last crop from being wasted just about 3 weeks until they can be harvested and I have to give credit where credit is due, this kind of worked.

No doubt I’m going to get the call to ‘dig a bigger hole’ in the very near future as the trunk hasn’t actually snapped so expect an actifit ‘digging a hole’ post in the near future!

I hope everyone is having a great week.

Best wishes

@nathen007 This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on 18/07/2023 10520 Daily Activity, Walking