Hi, everyone, introduce me, I’m @mosin-nagant. A moment ago, counted as the first time I joined #activit. I found this community, and I think this place is filled with posts that don’t exist in any other community.
Sorry, if this post sounds like it might not be like the posts that usually exist in this community. Honestly, I don’t understand what the community rules are, even I myself have doubts whether after I post this through the #activit application then it also has the same snippet or not.
Oh yes, I live in Aceh, Indonesia. I am a journalist, to be exact a contributor to a media called Liputan6.com. I am responsible for regional news in the province where I live.
I like issues related to democracy and have investigated several cases related to it. Apart from environmental issues, my focus is more focused on gender equality.
I also like to write short stories, especially stories without grip that flow like water. When writing stories, I leave everything to nature, and don’t even let my imagination interrupt the story.
Oher than reading books, especially novels, I also like music, especially the neoclassical metal genre. I love to hear Yngwie J. Malmsteen’s melody.
I like to collect miniature cars (Hot Wheels). These few days, I also focus on caring for plants that will be used as bonsai.
Thus this brief introduction, and once again, I apologize if this post gives the opposite impression from most other posts. This post should be thrown to the newcomer community.
Oh yes, I am very grateful if any of the members of this community want to give advice and guidance. Especially, what kind of posts can be sent here, as well as how to use the #activit app that you just downloaded.