After my son got back from work we had just enough light left in the day to play a quick eighteen basket round at the local nine basket course. (We play eighteen holes by adding some alternate plays through different baskets and tees.)
I lost by one point. It was a fun round but very windy and the ground was very wet. It has been raining a lot recenty.
The baskets on the course are old and worn and sometimes the disc will not get caught by the chains even on a seemingly perfect throw. I had a perfect putt get turned up by the chains and blown out of the basket by a sudden gust of wind. It’s times like that you need to just smile and be happy, lol.
I’ve been trying to work a lot on my mental game and not let things bother me on the course. The ability to focus and perform you best under any circumstance helps a lot in many different situations on and off the disc golf course.
I took this picture a few days ago during one of the periods of sunshine:
I got gifted a new rock. I’m not sure what type it is but it looks very interesting with many different colors.
Thanks for reading! I always value your support and comments. The pictures were taken by me with my Galaxy S9+. Text and graphics copyright lightsplasher & litesplasher.
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Daily Activity, Golf, House Chores, Walking