It is actually quite cold here in Minnesota and I have not gotten outside for a walk for a few days. But my calisthenics in front of the TV are far too boring to report. So in honor of Wednesday Walk, run by @tattoodjay, I’ll share some pictures from a recent walk.
As you can see, this was before the snow came, but after everything turned brown at the end of Autumn.
I still find this particular park to be so beautiful, with its curving paths and benches.
There’s a lookout area over a big field where you can look for birds and wildlife.
As I was walking along, a lonely little plane soared overhead, so I snapped a photo.
Thank you for stopping by!
Photo credits: All of the photos in this post were taken by me and belong to me, unless otherwise noted.
My bio: I am a fiction writer and photographer based in Minnesota. I have had a lifelong love of fiction writing. I am earned my MFA in writing from the University of New Hampshire. My short stories have appeared in a range of literary journals and anthologies, and my first short story collection, Somewhere in Minnesota is available on Amazon US as well as international Amazon sites., Barnes & Noble or from the publisher.
Want to know what I’m publishing and where? Visit my website,, or follow me on X, aka Twitter, at or on Instagram at
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