My Actifit Report Card: December 15 2024

It has been a crazy few days! I inadvertently took a break from Actifit because the app was malfunctioning for me and also because I was so busy with life and work.

Here’s a quick rundown of the events I’ve attended over the past four days:

  • Thursday night was my book club’s holiday I party. Very fun! The organizers created a Jeopardy game about past books the group has read, which was a blast.
  • Friday night was my other book club party (neighborhood folks), and it was also a blast!
  • Saturday was a craft and gift fair, followed by an evening holiday event with a few of my closest friends.
  • Today (Sunday) I went to the office for a few hours and then had another evening event to celebrate my niece’s birthday.

In other words, I have been constantly on the go, getting my steps going too and fro, vs. with actual exercise. I’ll write a longer post soon!

Thank you for visiting!

Photo credits: All of the photos in this post were taken by me and belong to me, unless otherwise noted.

My bio: I am a fiction writer and photographer based in Minnesota. I have had a lifelong love of fiction writing. I earned my MFA in writing from the University of New Hampshire. My short stories have appeared in a range of literary journals and anthologies, and my first short story collection, Somewhere in Minnesota is available on Amazon US as well as international Amazon sites., Barnes & Noble or from the publisher.

Want to know what I’m publishing and where? Visit my website,, or follow me on X, aka Twitter, at or on Instagram at

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This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on 15/12/2024 9678 Daily Activity, Weight Lifting