The husband pulled me out of my chair yesterday afternoon teasing that I should not sit too long or my butt will totally go flat, LOL! I’ve gotten used to his different ways of saying I need to take a break from the screen. He’s quite reliable on that regard, reminding me of things that I tend to forget most of the time especially when I get too engrossed with what I am doing.
And so we went outside where we discovered that our eggplants have started fruiting! I remember saying sometime last week that we are going to enjoy their fruit soon and they seem to have heard and now, three of them have teased us with one each and they are flowering too! These being our first produce for the year makes us excited. We have neglected to grow a variety of things for the table like we used to in the previous years but at least we have these.
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And while outside, he dared me to go for a quick run around the neighborhood. I was not really up for any leg workout but with the internet being wonky and all, I changed my mind and off we went for some 45-minute stroll. Besides, I had not much to do and the weather was simply nice.
We passed by one of the neighbors’ place and met their pretty cat. She’s not that friendly though. Here, she seems to be saying, “what the heck are you two doing in my territory?” Lol!
She (or might be a he, I didn’t really check) was furious when the husband taunted her by faking he had something on his hand to feed her, lol! Look at those sharp, long fangs! We were amused and couldn’t help laughing as we left.
“How about adopting a cat instead of a puppy?” I asked the hubby as we were walking away. He shook his head. He didn’t like it and I don’t blame him. One of the neighbor’s cats always comes by our yard and would meow non-stop even when she is being fed, lol!
Anyhow, we slowly trekked up towards the less-beaten trail. Not many passersby use that route for most use the long cut via the road at the other side of the mountain. It’s mostly bushy but the good thing is that there are no snakes around here, probably due to the cold weather.
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We did not proceed though when we noticed there was smoke coming out from where we were headed to. We rested a while, took some photos, enjoyed the view from afar (lead image on this post) and then walked back home afterwards. The hubby was suggesting we go through another route so we can check out the talking bird of the neighbor by the hill on our way down but it will take us more time so we dismissed the idea.
Along the way, we noticed some Yacón plants (Peruvian ground apple) growing beside a small field of potatoes. I honestly thought they were a variety of Sunflower. The hubby wasn’t sure as well. Checking on Google Lens, we discovered that they are not. Aah, a new thing learned!
We spent the rest of the afternoon home. And today, we have just been indoors too. We were supposed to drive to my in-law’s place this morning but the husband isn’t well. He woke up at 4 am feeling nauseous and sweating but he didn’t want to go to the doctor saying he probably just need some rest and sleep. So it was literally what we did today. He blamed the weather being cold and drizzly, lol!
The sky cleared up though so it is great. And here’s to share the view of our sky right now.
All photos are my own. 27th June 2023
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Hiking, Walking