I have been accompanying my second son to his roller skating practice!
These roller skates were a Christmas gift for my second son. He wanted to practice as soon as possible, so I took him to a park that is a little far from our house. This park has a wide paved path and not many people, so it is perfect for practicing bike and roller skating.
The wind was cold and chilly, but the blue sky was pleasant. At first, he could not even stand properly on his roller skates, falling down and falling on his buttocks, but after 30 minutes of practice, he was able to walk okay. He was amused by the sensation of gradually becoming able to do it, and he practiced silently.
Watching that, I became a little envious. When I was a child, there seemed to be many things that I could do if I practiced hard enough. Bicycles, roller skates, unicycling, and even going upside down on the bars… That moment when we can do something that we couldn’t do before is the best feeling ever! But I realized that I have not experienced such “learning new skills” or even tried them for a long time now.
There are only five days left this year, and when I look back to see what I was able to accomplish this year, I don’t think there is anything in particular… What have I started this year? Maybe I started working part-time… it wasn’t really a new challenge for me, thouh. I would like to set some small goals for next year and try my best to achieve them.
My second son is not yet able to skate smoothly, but he seems to have succeeded in gaining a sense of balance for the time being!
今年もあと5日ですが、今年何かできるようになったことがあったかなと振り返ってみると、特にないような気がします… 今年何かやったかな?パートで働き始めたことくらいか😂来年はいくつか小さな目標を立てて、達成できるように頑張りたいな。
次男はまだスイスイ滑ることはできませんが、今日のところはひとまずバランス感覚を掴むことには成功した様子。ローラースケートの次男と公園をぐるぐる歩き回り、歩数は6,000歩を越えることができました と思ったのですが、カウントできていませんでした😿
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io 25/12/2023