Next Era is a era of agriculture farming. Those countries are full field and self sufficient with food demand will be the the most rich and sustainable countries of the world. We are passing very critical situation under this covid-19 and climate change situation. The future is very much unpredictable and should be critical compared with the present situation. So many countries are focusing on agriculture and that should be the first priority. It is the high technological Era what we are experiencing throughout the world. Those who are advanced with technology are the the leading countries in the world but in the long run agriculture should have a greater priority and impact in the influence of future World.
In the photographs you can see capsule of plants what are from my rooftop Garden and these are green Chilli. This is most important and much needed element when we go for cooking. Proof we can cultivate sum of the essential and useful elements of for cooking around our home and rooftop then it will be very much suitable and will have less pressure on agricultural field utilisation. Agricultural field can be used for other crops cultivation which cannot be cultivated in the rooftop. In my spare time I try to be engaged with agriculture and tree plantation and cleaning mission. So whenever you have some spare time try to be engaged with such kind of activities what is helpful for the future of this planet and in that way we can change our planet I hope. If we contribute from our level best from the every corner of the world then hopefully this little contribution will be more in the vast change or development of the world.
So in this pandemic situation those who are passing spare time at home with several IT related activities try to get out of that and don’t focus on news much rather using the time for cultivating some vegetables and such kind of planets change activities. If you just go to Google or YouTube we can find a mini or a number of ways to cultivate a many things around our spare spaces. If you can use any one of those then we can easily get benefit from mentally physically and environmentally as you know it. So let’s start doing your part from your end. This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on
Daily Activity, House Chores, Play with kids/grand kids, Shopping, Walking, Yard Work