Hello all active friends. Do you like small children? Playing with small children is fun. Especially if they are cute and adorable. This time I was playing with 2 little girls and they are a brother and sister who happened to get along well today and didn’t fight. How could that not be fun, sometimes these two are a little annoying by disturbing me when I work and wanting time off alone to think and achieve my goal especially if they are crying. I would give up if I saw a situation like that. Both of them now invite me to play UNO, which is a stacking game and I rarely play it. Do you know what game that is? I didn’t think too much about it and what I saw was that they were happy and I followed what they liked.
Occasionally I invite them to take photos and tell them about this later to make a story on Uncle’s blog. Spontaneously he asked what it was? I answered briefly, uncle will write it later on the Web3 internet. Continue playing happily until I get bored enough that I stop playing and just try to watch them play. Maybe we’ve been playing for an hour and they seem to be getting bored and finally they just left the game and ran inside. And what do you guys think now.? Yes, finally I have to clean it all up. 😞 but I don’t mind his name being a kid either haha.
After I cleaned everything I remembered there was something I hadn’t bought, namely ketang. Potatoes are low in stock and I have to buy them. Just hurry up and put on your helmet and motorbike and go buy the potatoes with the brand as pictured. Chose these ketangs because they are not too long and not too short. It’s interesting to serve and it tastes deliciously chewy, it looks like it’s the potato of choice and suits anyone’s palate. This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io
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