Hello guys! How are you all today? I hope you’re doing fine
Christmas is getting nearer everyday and everyone is beginning to buy chickens and food stuffs. During festive period here, food stuffs normally inflated due to high demand
Another thing that normally inflate during festive period is fuel rice. Just when Christmas is about two weeks away, there would be scarcity of petrol and every filling station would have many cars on a very long queue wanting to buy Petrol
This is because a lot of people will want to travel to spend Christmas with their loved ones but I don’t see that happening this year. No queue at filling station yet which is quite unusual during festive period
Anyway, let’s talk about today. I followed my friend to the market to buy some food stuffs for Christmas. He bought a bag of rice and a 4 life of groundnut oil
I just helped him lift the bag of rice from the store we bought it and took it his car, so today’s activity has to do with walking and doing some lifting
Thank you for reading and stay fit