I had one of those days where I just was not feeling motivated at all today and if anything could go wrong it would, I guess the fact that I had a lot on my mind when I went to bed last night and didnt get to sleep till about 3AM is a factor, I am getting too old to function well after an hour and a quarters sleep, I won’t bore you with the details of what went wrong today, except for one in the last photo in this post, which to me summed up my day in a photo, but others told me it is a sign of good luck and I should buy a lotto ticket, which I went ahead and did at lunchtime.
I normally start my actifit evening posts with a couple of photos somehow fitting with the shots I took with my phone on the walk today, but as I write this on the train heading home I cannot think of any photos I have in my folders that may fit with this post.
As for my activity I did manage to get in a good bit of steps today, when my eyes too heavy sitting at my desk I popped out for a loop around the block near the office
Well now I am at home and finalizing this post, and the shots I took with my phone are of trucks and I didn’t really have any related shots to add, so I thought trucks have a moto, and motors are measured in Horsepower so how about a couple of shots of a horse, which was in the city, for an advert being filmed and I got a few shots some I shared before but I had a couple I had not edited and shared so adding them to this post
Sony A7iii 118mm F8 1/160 Sec ISO 100
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And another shot of the horse
Sony A7iii 141mm F8 1/200 Sec ISO 100
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WhenI saw this truck today painted in support of Autism awareness with a grandson with Autism and a colleague at work with children with strong Autism, I had t get a shot of it to share.
iPhone XS
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Another common sight around NYC is the fire Trucks, I do feel for anyone in the city who needs a fire truck or ambulance to get t them quickly, so often I see them stuck in traffic and people just do not pull over to let them pass often, I just do not understand that mentality myself
iPhone XS
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Also common in the city are food trucks her eis one often parked a block or so from my office building
iPhone XS
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Not so common or i have never noticed one before is this mobile ticket truck for buying tickets for the Subway and buses around the city
iPhone XS
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This truck and the people in red are to try and get people to subscribe to the economist, I have seen it often in many parts of the city, todays deal was subscribe for 12 Issues for $12 and get a free burger.
iPhone XS
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Now not strictly a truck of course, but another common sight around the city are these delivery trikes, I guess it makes good sense they can zip in and out of traffic probably a lot quicker than trucks can
iPhone XS
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And this last shot is related to where i said aa shot summed up my day, and no its not paint as my Stepson thought it was when I send this photo, lets just say another reason why I call pigeons the rats of the sky
iPhone XS
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And that’s all folks
!steemitworldmap 40.752412 lat -73.976960 long Midtown East NYC d3scr
Daily Activity,Moving Around Office,Walking