My Actifit Report Card: April 13 2019

Mall walking??? In April???
@silvertop digresses… The cold rain won, I needed to get in my steps and outside was not going to work!🙄
I was really surprised to see so many mall walkers today. There was one couple that walked separately, and when they passed each other going the other direction they hand tagged each other! 🥰
Some wore headphones, to listen to there tunes as they made there laps! 👍. I wonder how many walk this indoor “ track “ on a regular basis?
This has been a very strange Spring, we started off with weeks of deep snow, then Summer hit with T shirts and shorts and now @silvertop is indoor walking. 🙃
This was the first indoor walk this year, and although I really wanted to be up in the Mountains, I have to admit it was interesting especially people watching!!!
I wondered how many “ walkers “ that I passed were using a tracker like the Fitbit I am wearing???
I almost wanted to ask that couple that I kept passing if they had heard of @actifit…🤗 14884 Daily Activity,Walking