시기상으로 보면 벌써 겨울이지만 왠지 시간 가는것이 아쉬워 아직도 맘은 가을로 남아 있는것 같다.
시간은 잡을수가 없으니 이제 겨울 준비를 해야겠지만…
조금만 더 게으름을 피워 보기로 한다.
그러니까 헬스는 내일 간다. 1652 Walking
Voters List
Actifit Info
Your VP (Voting Power) allows you to vote others and increase your & their rewards. Leaving your VP at 100% wastes rewards for both you and other users. Maintaining your VP at a min of 80% daily is recommended. VP replenishes at a rate of 20% per day.
Actifit Info
Your RC (Resource Credits) are what enables you to take actions on the Hive blockchain. Actions include posting, voting,... amongst others. RCs replenish at a rate of 20% per day.