“ Surprise, surprise, surprise! “🤗
Nope, you didn’t just enter the twilight zone Lol!😇
Silvertop spent the morning wrapping!😊
“Silvertop I thought you liked classic rock Lol!” 🥰
Have you noticed the days are getting shorter?
I was watching a squirrel pulling walnuts off one of our trees the other day………
Mr squirrel knows summer is winding down………
Don’t tell the Mrs, she has an ongoing battle with our resident rodent!😳
Each year Liz is determined to harvest walnuts from our trees, and it’s always a race to see who gets the treasured nuts first!😇
Cot has his eye on Mr squirrel as well……
He sits in the window, swishing his tail……
I think Cot is wanting to expand his dinner menu Lol!😺
“Cot, no fire in the wood stove yet my boy, Dads just finishing up with the firewood!”
I was waiting for August, letting the greenest two cords of firewood cure as long as I could before I covered this stack.
Middle of August, can be dry and sunny, then with the flip the switch, we can get a long stretch of rainy days …… or maybe not Lol!😇
Silvertop isn’t a gambler, it was time!
The firewood covered with the brown tarp in the fifth photo is just a touch over two cords. You can see from the previous photo, my woodshed is nowhere near big enough to handle all the overflow wood!😳
Another project for next year enlarging the woodshed !😇
As it stands now, I have about 13 cords of firewood plus kindling!😅
Between hiking and household chores, silvertop is always busy Lol!☺️
“That’s enough work for today Cot, Dads heading uphill, for a hike!”
No hike for Cot today, I could see the wheels turning in his “Baby Mountain Lion” brain!
My furry child was watching squirrel TV through the window Lol!😻
“Enjoy Cot, Dad will as well!” ☺️
Till tomorrow Silvertop Mike 😊 This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io
Daily Activity, Hiking, House Chores