Air quality

I always thought posting an @acitifit post was easy. I was wrong. I did not manage to write around 100 words for the post everyday. That means it is not about the words but it is about desire and consistency.

The weather has been nice lately with a mix of rain, sun and wind. It is sunny today but the clouds are coming in between. I have not felt the summer warmth yet this year.

A walk early in the morning is something I look forward to. Look at this creek. The ravines are the best thing for the nature, wildlife and for morning walks. Amazing combination of hobbies :P

The sunsets are magical lately. THe reason behind these beautiful sunsets is the wildfire. The haze that grappled most of the north east America is creating the haze and drop in air quality.

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on 28/06/2023 15822 Daily Activity