My Actifit Blog: 24 June 2019 It is getting really hot in Germany

Activity Report #328

This week it will be very hot in Germany. The weathermen speak of up to 40 degrees Celsius.

Therefore I take my walks in the late evening, whereby it is still very bright outside.

Tomorrow I get up early for my fourth 10 km run. Then it should be enough for my preparation for the city run next Sunday in Munich.

I only hope that it will cool down again on the weekend, otherwise about 5000 runners, who are expected in Munich, will melt away . . .

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Diese Woche wird es sehr heiß in Deutschland. Die Wetterfrösche sprechen von bis zu 40 Grad Celsius.

Meine Spaziergänge mache ich deshalb am späten Abend, wobei es noch draußen sehr hell ist.

Morgen stehe ich früh auf für meinen vierten 10 km Lauf. Dann soll es genug sein für meine Vorbereitung zum Stadtlauf am kommenden Sonntag in München.

Ich hoffe nur, dass es am Wochenende wieder abkühlt, sonst werden ca. 5000 Läufer, die in München erwartet werden, dahinschmelzen . . .

Stats for Today

Walking: 4 km
My goal 2019 : 6 000 km
Current: 2 425 km

Activity Count: 10 938 steps (counted by my Fitbit device synced with actifit fitness tracker)

Activity Type:
Walking, Daily Activities

Current Actifit User Rank: 56.0
Rewarded Activity Reports: Level 6/10

Next Badge: Level 7/10 with 360 Rewarded Activity Reports

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ProjectInitiated by
@steem-ua@scipio, @holger80
@driveforkids@backinblackdevil, @actifit-devil

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This is the actifit posting account of @peter2017, an ambitious guy with a bunch of old bones. I’m trying to enhance my health and fitness mainly by walking, cycling and sometimes jogging.

Please support and follow my progress! Thanks so much!

Life is Motion! Keep on moving to stay healthy and fit!

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Photos © by actifit-peter
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