As I won’t make the effort to create a separate post @sciencevienna, I will just rehive. I hope you’re fine with it. Here’s my message I already posted within all my main social media channels and I hope I can support @thelogicaldude 's work and his baby @hivelist, from the bottom of my heart I wish you all the best to succeed!!
✊ Tomorrow is International Labor Day and for this historic holiday I want to announce that I will no longer offer future products of mine via Amazon. I’ve been feeding Jeff Bezos’ trap for too long now. Furthermore I can no longer reconcile Amazon with my conscience, I supported a lousy and exploitative system characterized by miserable working conditions for so long with my publications and I feel ashamed. This is the end of it and I will therefore set up an online crypto store on the Hive blockchain this May! Anyone who wants to join me is welcome on Hivelist as well. There will also be reduced registration fees for the upcoming month. A step by step tutorial can be found in the following link:
#labourday #sciencevienna #mayday #vendor #onlineshop #blockchain
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