My Actifit Report Card: November 28 2023 : I Am Alive Challenge

Hi hi Lovelies 😊

A wonderful welcome to my actifit report for Tuesday 28th November, 2024.

After seeing a moonlight photo on waves at night.

I went out and took mine too.

Well, I wanted to try capturing it again because the last time I did.

I was satisfied with my photo, glad I didn’t give up.
Because these ones looks cool.

I started my day with the usuals… my normal routine house chores 😅

I finally got my rest day… yay😊

Though I went to check up on our banana in the farm.
I wanted to harvest it soon 😅 enjoyment was calling me loudly 😁

I came back to battle with network connection, it made my online activities not to go smoothly as always.

This is a photo from my hike yesterday, I didn’t upload this.

I think this is a better time to ask if you know what this is called.

I think it’s built by ants🤔
These ants are super wonderful.

I went out to walk around the neighborhood, because I needed a decent activity count.

Then ended my day with completing some online activities like aliveandthriving curation before calling it a day.

Let’s go again today people 🙌💪😊

Wishing you all a lovely day 😘💕

Do enjoy your day.

Thank you very much for visiting my blog 😊🥰

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on 28/11/2023 5807 Daily Activity, House Chores, Photowalking, Walking