Our day began at church with another stellar worship service and sermon.
The skies were grey and rain looked imminent, but the forecast said it could go either way. With that in mind, we headed to Lynden City Park. This place is usually packed with lots of car and lots of children playing on the playground equipment, but today it was like a ghost town. Zero children and only 3 cars were parked in the parking lot.
This park has a city trail that meanders eventually outside of the park and into the neighborhood where it connects to a sportsplex for soccer, baseball and football. There are also lots of bridges to cross.
I found a few critters on the way. This little guy kind of looked like he’d lost his best friend.
These two were nestled in a somewhat hidden area. The male was very protective and watchful.
And this guy is probably very well fed!
Then, there’s the local plant life.
In order to accommodate a road, they did this for the creek.
It had begun to mist towards the end of it, so we headed to Walmart as we needed some canned kitty food for Cyle. Since we’ve put Cot on a bit of a diet, we’ve had a dilemma on how NOT to put Cyle on one. He’s older and leaner and he’s a big boy that can’t afford to really lose weight. He is lean anyway.
Upon heading into the store, there was a very loud verbal confrontation between two guys that I expected to erupt into an out and out fight! The language-oh my! I wanted nothing but to get past them quickly and into the relative safety of the store! 😅
After shopping, we went back to Lynden to our favorite coffee date watering hole and got a couple coffees for the drive home.
It’s still raining as I type this and tomorrow is supposed to be a carbon copy of today. Then-watch out! By the weekend, they’re predicting highs in the 80’s! 🙀 That’s great except there’s no easing into it which means a lot of folks will suffer the change. It wouldn’t be so bad except that it will probably be humid AND the midges and the mosquitoes will explode!🤯 ugh!!🙄
Nonetheless, my garden is going to love this which will make me happy as well. I’ll just need lots of an and lots of bug repellent! 😁
That’s gonna be it for now. Enjoy the week ahead. 🙏🙏🇮🇱🇺🇦
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Daily Activity,Hiking,Shopping
Picture taken by me and altered by cliptocomic app
@elizabethbit is a member of ladiesofsgs4eva
a sweet group of lady stackers of SGH