Actifit Ulog - 27 November 2021 - Cyberjaya Lakeside Adventures Day 5 (Day 51 of my 100 days of recovery)

Two little monkeys climbing up a column…or at least trying too!😜

Finally! We got out today for a really good cycle! We started off the day really early. Woke up just before 7 am and got all our stuff ready in order to get there by 8.30 pm as we were meeting some friends. Lo and behold, something just had to happen, Skippy ran out of the house because Hubs forgot to close the gate and for the life of me I just couldn’t figure out where I put my big tube of sunblock cream! So I asked little Murtabak to pray that I would find it and within the next second I spotted it on the floor next to Kape’s sleeping pillow. So yes, we were going to be super late.

We got there at 9 and sat down for a while eating peanut pancake for breakfast from the market and by 9.30 we headed out to meet our friends on the other side of the park. So we really rode hard and fast as we were already late. Caught up with them and chatted for a while as it quite a long time since we last saw them and their little girl who is the same age as Chapati.

The last time we came here and today, the sun was blazing hot even that time of the morning. Thank God I found the tube of sunblock or my little tofu boys would burn! The kids really had a lot of fun together, they just hit off and started playing together. As our friends didn’t have bikes, they rented the electric scooters to get around.

Snacking on bananas!🐒

After about two and the half hours or cycling, scootering, playing around, stopping to chit chat and eat snacks, we decided it was time to get some real food! So off we went to a food court in Dengkil and friend meehoon and lots of vegetables, wanton noodles with really delicious char siew and roasted duck! We of course had our local iced coffee and tea! Ah…sigh this is the life! We had a really good time today as it is so good to be able to meet up with people physically and spend time together in fellowship.

The food court…I was so hungry that I forgot to take pictures of the food. 😆

We will be heading out back tomorrow morning bright and early again!


p/s Oooo , the Fear a& Greed Index is sitting at 21 today! 21! Time to go shopping or to get out of the market? This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on 27/11/2021 15967 Cycling, Daily Activity, Play with kids/grand kids, Walking