More greenhoods on Comerong Island Reserve : August 6 2024

A blue sky day. A slow start day. Did get out on the bike to walk Comerong Island. The 5k steps are done by the time one gets on the island

Coolangatta Mountain standing over the Shoalhaven River on a super still day

Wattle flowers are out

The wading bird nesting areas signs are up - not a lot of birds

Leptospermum squarrosum are just opening

A few mushrooms showing

Context photo at the start of the track down the island

Have seen greenhood leaves on previous walks - nothing showing this time - look finished

The flower close by - finishing - maybe pterostylis curta

Keep looking is the key skill - did find an open blunt-tipped greenhood

Side on showing the twisted labellum

Found some more further along the track - a win to find two flowering

Kept walking. As the track lifts up above the flood zone there are orchids - knew from last walks. Back to yesterday’s ID challenge - elongated galea

Matching rosette

Front on - labellum showing - form suggests pterostylis oblonga

The next one is different - helmet is not as long - going to guess pterostylis erecta

A little front on to show the labellum

Matching rosette - ruffled edges are different to the oblonga

Made the turn to head back. This photo is of a helmet orchid and greenhood rosette. Need to walk earlier next year

Pterostylis curta on the way back

Matching rosette for the pterostylis curta

See the enlarged galea - pterostylis oblonga on the way back

Another colony of greenhoods on the way back - front on

Side on

Interesting fruit - the wallabies like these - saw a few

Walked back along the beach - lots of debris makes for great photo frames - looking north to Gerroa

Now you know why they tell you not to enter floowater. Imagine being smashed by all that timber

Looking north across the debris

View back across the river mouth to Berry Mountain

Ride was a little part of the day’s work - steps work

Dinner: My wife cooked massaman curry - yum
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on 06/08/2024 14475 Cycling, Daily Activity, Photowalking