오늘두 빡쎄게 뛰어 다녔다 스케줄 순서가 바뀌는 바람에 똥줄타는줄 알았다 거기다 외부 손님까지…ㅠ 원인을 알수없는 불량까지.;ㅠ 퇴근후 집에 돌아와 션한 맥주를 원~샷~ㅣㅣ 20665 걷기, 사무실에서 움직이며 돌아다니기, 오늘 하루 활동, 집안 일
Voters List
Actifit Info
Your VP (Voting Power) allows you to vote others and increase your & their rewards. Leaving your VP at 100% wastes rewards for both you and other users. Maintaining your VP at a min of 80% daily is recommended. VP replenishes at a rate of 20% per day.
Actifit Info
Your RC (Resource Credits) are what enables you to take actions on the Hive blockchain. Actions include posting, voting,... amongst others. RCs replenish at a rate of 20% per day.