Anybody Got Any Earplugs?!…..My Actifit Report Card: December 17 2023

Our day began at church. We both look forward to church as this new place we’ve been attending is pretty much on fire! From the worship to the sermon to the people in general! Today after a wonderful worship time, several guys all dressed the same went up on stage. They presented themselves as ‘The Kyles’ and proceeded to introduce each Kyle.

The pastor’s name really is Kyle. Anyway, they proceeded to sing several Christmas carols; well I suppose it was singing. After all, scripture tells us to make a joyful noise unto the Lord, and believe me, they were doing just that! When they got to O Holy Night, each line was sung in a different key! That takes talent, lol! Needless to say, the congregation was in stitches! I caught this next image that will be forever stamped in our minds……

That is Kyle (the real one). Now some may think this was silly, but they try to always give folks a little humor before digging into the Word. I will say that Kyle is on fire when he preaches. Both @silvertop and myself have been impressed with the depth of his preaching. We are very happy to be at this church! 😇

Once home, we set out about 30 minutes later for a hike. Jan came with. The skies were beginning to haze over a bit as a storm front is moving in to bless us with more rain. Here’s some eye candy from today’s hike. Enjoy!

Look at the unsuspecting bug that was revealed in this next one.

We decided to hike up to the off grid cabin and on up the High Trail to the Floor Trail. I found this guy just as we began the descent.

There snowberries along the way for the birdies to eat over the coming winter.

Here’s some Turkey Tail ‘shrooms.

It’s been a good day! Tomorrow, I have 3 training calls for the office software, 4 pounds of coffee to roast, a few packages to ship and a ton of wrapping to do! How to get it all done?! I need another me to help! Then on Tuesday, I have one last training call and then that’s it until we go live on the 5th of January. Unless of course, there’s something I’m missing!

That’s gonna be it for now. We are into the home stretch for Christmas and in as much as I have a ton of things to do between now and then, I’m looking forward to Friday night for the candlelight service at church and the the Christmas holiday with our son and his wife plus our grand-fur babies.

Take care and enjoy the week! 🙏🇮🇱🇺🇦


This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on 17/12/2023 11723 Daily Activity,Hiking,House Chores

Picture taken by me and altered by cliptocomic app

@elizabethbit is a member of ladiesofsgs4eva
a sweet group of lady stackers of SGH